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The butcher is back in this new The Witcher custom story

24 4 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

Well well, it’s not every day (or year) that you see a new custom story mod for The Witcher. Yes, the original Witcher with the clunky combat and clunkier menus and questionable voice acting that is still pretty enjoyable despite all that. This new adventure is made in The Witcher 1 but takes place after […]

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Story game celebration LudoNarraCon kicks off today

24 4 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

Heads up, story-liking folks. Narrative game celebration LudoNarraCon is kicking off its weekend of game developer panels and game demos today. Story games big and small are offering up demos, sales, and some insight into how they’re created. You’ll be able to catch livestreams and talks from today through Monday, April 27th.

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Total War: Shogun 2 will be free for keeps next week

24 4 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

Another game giveaway joins the fray amidst the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, imploring you to stay home and do your warring indoors. You can have as many strategic samurai battles as you like if you grab Total War: Shogun 2 next week while it’s free for keepsies. Some other Total War games will join it on the front […]

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Burn down the town in stealth witch game Wildfire this May

22 4 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

If you need some more period piece stealth to tide you over until Desperados 3, stealth platformer Wildfire might just do it. As one of few magic users left in the world, you’ll use your abilities to burn, freeze, and grow the environment as you protect villagers and outwit the enemies hunting you down. It’ll […]

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Steam Labs’ new experiment tries to solve the tagging problem

22 4 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

Steam Labs is back with another experiment and this time Valve are attempting to solve discrepancies in human communication with computers. You know how Steam do. Humans can’t ever seem to agree on how to classify games. What exactly is a “soulslike”? How about a roguelike or a roguelike-like? Is Stardew Valley a simulation? Not […]

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Call Of Duty: Warzone will force cheaters to cheat each other

22 4 月, 2020 Lauren Morton 0

Don’t worry, Warzone, it’s totally natural for free-to-play battle royales of your size to have these growing pains. As with just about any competitive game, Call Of Duty: Warzone cheaters have been diligently looking for ways to game the game to victory. In order to preserve some semblance of fair competition for the rest of […]