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Happy Wheels has finally rolled its way onto the Play Store

31 1 月, 2020 Marc Lagace 0

It’s pretty ridiculous how long it took Happy Wheels to be ported to Android. The mobile versions for both Android and iOS were announced back in 2015, with the iOS version released shortly thereafter. Five years later, it’s finally found its way to the Play Store. Then again, ridiculousness seems to be a big part of the Happy Wheels brand, so I’m inclined to give the developers a pass.

Either way, the wait was well worth it because this game is perfectly optimized for mobile and is stupid-fun to play.

Happy Wheels is a 2D side-scrolling racing game that features physics-based obstacle courses punctuated by moments of extreme ultra-violence. There are currently four characters to choose from — a businessman on a Segway, a father and son pair on a bicycle, a man strapped into a rocket wheelchair, and a woman riding a mobility scooter — with 15 levels for each that are designed to troll you at every turn. Two more characters are also features as coming later, so you can expec…