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The Foxer

6 11 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Below is a list of “33 things wot are rare”. Entries have been stripped of vowels and numbers and had any inter-word spaces repositioned*. For example, if Inverted Jennies was present it might appear as NVR TDJNNS. Supercentenarians would be SPRCNTNRNS. *Hyphens are treated as spaces. Apostrophes are ignored.

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The Foxer

30 10 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Roman thinks you’re ready for Rithmetic Foxers. Below are three equations disguised as picture sequences. Each pic represents a number (For example a photo of The Flying Scotsman might signify 4472, 462, or 3). It’s your job to identify the mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) indicated by the lettered squares. The BIDMAS rule […]

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The Foxer

23 10 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some previous ones: sheep, mazes, earthquakes, and The 39 Steps). Identifying the theme is a vital part of the defoxing process. Today’s puzzle is made […]

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The Foxer

16 10 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.

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The Foxer

9 10 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The 25 pictures in a cluster foxer are arranged in 5 discretely/discreetly themed clusters. Pictures in a particular cluster must be cardinally contiguous to be valid. For example, a1, b1, c1, d1, d2 is a possible cluster, unlike a2, b2, c2, d2, e3. To fully defox today’s enlargeable puzzle identify the themes and constituent images […]

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The Foxer

2 10 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Below is a list of ‘30 things wot you might find in Denmark’. Entries have been stripped of vowels and numbers and had any inter-word spaces repositioned*. For example, if The Little Mermaid was present it might appear as THLT TLMR MD. Hamlet would be HMLT. *Hyphens are treated as spaces. Apostrophes are ignored.

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The Foxer

25 9 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.

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The Foxer

18 9 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To completely defox today’s word chain you’ll need to provide Roman, my Chief Foxer Setter, with the sequence of 24 words suggested by the clues below.

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The Foxer

11 9 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some previous ones: sheep, mazes, earthquakes, and The 39 Steps). Identifying the theme is a vital part of the defoxing process. Today’s puzzle is made […]

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The Foxer

4 9 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.