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The Foxer

21 8 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The 25 pictures in a cluster foxer are arranged in 5 discretely/discreetly themed clusters. Pictures in a particular cluster must be cardinally contiguous to be valid. For example, a1, b1, c1, d1, d2 is a possible cluster, unlike a2, b2, c2, d2, e3. To fully defox today’s enlargeable puzzle identify the themes and constituent images […]

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The Foxer

14 8 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.

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The Foxer

7 8 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Roman thinks you’re ready for Rithmetic Foxers. Below are three equations disguised as picture sequences. Each pic represents a number (For example a photo of The Flying Scotsman might signify 4472, 462, or 3). It’s your job to identify the mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) indicated by the lettered squares. The BIDMAS rule […]

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The Foxer

29 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To completely defox today’s word chain you’ll need to provide Roman, my Chief Foxer Setter, with the sequence of 24 words suggested by the clues below.

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The Foxer needs you

22 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

My Chief Foxer Setter isn’t getting any younger. One day, as sure as eggs are ovoid, Roman’s going to be summoned upstairs by Reynard, the setter of The Ultimate Foxer, and I’ll have to find a replacement. To ensure there’s a pool of high-calibre candidates there when the time comes, and to allow Roman the […]

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Colonel Croesus: Epilogue

17 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The version of cult war movie Colonel Croesus that went on general release in 1970-something, ends, as Comment Commander khamul pithily pointed out last Sunday, with the gold-stuffed getaway sub “holed and taking on water, but Steiner opening the gates and taking her out to sea anyway, purely to spite Croesus – not knowing he […]

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Colonel Croesus: Turn 15

16 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The Comment Commanders have a mere minute left in which to convince me that they control the soggy end of the subterranean submarine base (My verdict, along with sundry stats, will appear in tomorrow’s epilogue – ETA midday). They choose to use that minute aggressively. While Crabmeat 2 ventilates the U-boat and 3rd Squad occupy […]

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The Foxer

15 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The 25 pictures in a cluster foxer are arranged in 5 discretely/discreetly themed clusters. Pictures in a particular cluster must be cardinally contiguous to be valid. For example, a1, b1, c1, d1, d2 is a possible cluster, unlike a2, b2, c2, d2, e3. To fully defox today’s enlargeable puzzle identify the themes and constituent images […]

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Colonel Croesus: Turn 14

15 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Last year’s conflab of Comment Commanders almost committed a war crime. This year’s actually commit one, albeit accidentally. (Colonel Croesus is an open-to-all game of Combat Mission: Fortress Italy in which Allied forces are orchestrated by commenters while German units are computer controlled. Each daily turn covers one minute of WeGo action. For a scenario […]

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Colonel Croesus: Turn 13

14 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Last turn the Comment Commanders flushed out a Tiger with a Sherman-tipped pitchfork. This turn they transform that pitchfork into a trident in an effort to finish the ferrous feline. (Colonel Croesus is an open-to-all game of Combat Mission: Fortress Italy in which Allied forces are orchestrated by commenters while German units are computer controlled. […]