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Colonel Croesus: Turn 3

4 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Clambering over rubble that, moments earlier, was a stout brick wall, Sergeant Nelson’s squad find themselves on the ground floor of a windowed two-storey west-facing storeroom. To the south the coast seems clear. To the north, in the chamber codenamed ‘LEAD’ by Colonel Croesus, a sandbagged Pak 40 anti-tank gun waits patiently for passing trade. […]

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Colonel Croesus: Turn 2

3 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

This turn’s butcher’s bill: 211 mosquitos, 104 wood ants, 1 long-fingered bat, 1 Italian cave salamander. (Colonel Croesus is an open-to-all game of Combat Mission: Fortress Italy in which Allied forces are orchestrated by commenters while German units are computer controlled. Each daily turn covers one minute of action. For a scenario outline and accounts […]

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Colonel Croesus: Turn 1

2 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

I did mention yesterday that Sherman Crabs were horribly vulnerable while mine flailing, didn’t I? I’m fairly sure I probably pointed out that, in order to protect their relatively vulnerable main guns from flying debris, they reversed their turrets before venturing into devil’s gardens. (Colonel Croesus is an open-to-all game of Combat Mission: Fortress Italy in […]

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The Foxer

1 5 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all twelve locations plus the theme that links them.

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The Foxer

24 4 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

The honeycomb below is a fancy form of wordsearch in which every cell is used, and words can curl and zigzag but never overlap. Each hive foxer has a theme (some previous ones: sheep, mazes, earthquakes, and The 39 Steps). Identifying this theme is a vital part of the defoxing process. Today’s puzzle is a […]

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The Foxer

17 4 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

Roman thinks you’re ready for Rithmetic Foxers. Below are three equations disguised as picture sequences. Each pic represents a number (For example a photo of The Flying Scotsman might signify 4472, 462, or 3). It’s your job to identify the mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) indicated by the lettered squares. The BIDMAS rule […]

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The Foxer

10 4 月, 2020 Tim Stone 0

To fully defox the following enlargeable geofoxer, identify all fourteen locations plus the theme that links them.