FCC: ‘One or more’ carriers violated federal law selling location data
The question now is, what will be the punishment?
What you need to know
The FCC has concluded its extensive investigation into US carriers and location data.
It has determined that one or more carriers violated federal law by selling real-time data.
Measures against those carriers are now being considered.
The FCC has found that one or more US carriers broke federal law by selling customer’s real-time location data, after an extensive investigation.
As reported by The Verge, FCC chair Ajit Pai has written to the House Energy and Commerce Committee. In that letter Pai stated:
I am writing to follow up on my letter of December 3, 2019 regarding the status of the
FCC’s investigation into the disclosure of consumers’ real-time location data. Fulfilling the
commitment I made in that letter, I wish to inform you that the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has completed its extensive investigation and that it has concluded that one or more wireless carriers apparently violated federal l…