15 Most Powerful Weapons In Fallout 4, Ranked | Game Rant

The great game Fallout 4 has a dizzying number of weapons for the player to find and modify in their efforts to recover their son and bring peace to the Commonwealth. Eventually, the player will be tossing aside weapons as they find bigger and badder tools of destruction.

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There are some weapons that rise to the top in terms of how destructive and useful they are in combat. While the player should always go with a weapon that matches their character’s strength and personal playstyle, it would be foolish to ignore these legendary weapons.

Updated September 9th, 2020 by Morgan Austin: These days, Bethesda is pretty busy. They’ve worked on a lot of new content and fixes after the controversial release of Fallout 76, and fans have eagerly been waiting for more details about the upcoming release of Elder Scrolls 6. While they wait, fans might be going back to some of their favorite Bethesda games, like Fallout 4 and those that came before it in the series. For those that might be playing Fallout 4 again or for the first time, there are plenty of powerful weapons to keep an eye out for in the Wasteland. 

15 The Striker

The Striker is not a traditional weapon by any means. Based on the Fat Man, a mini-nuke launcher, the creator of this weapon traded out the mini-nukes for modified bowling balls.

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There was a bit of damage trade-off but dealing 275 damage with a bowling ball isn’t too shabby, and a danger-close hit won’t kill you as a Fat Man would. Its perk grants a 50% chance to cripple the target’s leg which is nice for slowing down powerful opponents to give yourself some room to kite them. You can also craft more bowling balls at a Chemistry Station.

14 Le Fusil Terribles

As far as small guns go in Fallout 4, shotguns do some of the most damage, and the Le Fusil Terribles is no exception. Its effect even adds 25% more damage, even though the downside to it is that it gives this gun a lot more recoil.

The upside is that the recoil can be toned down a bit with different mods that can be added to this weapon. Plus, it’s fairly easy to find and doesn’t require players to finish any quests like many of these other powerful weapons do. This shotgun can be found in the captain’s cabin in Libertalia, which players may recognize if they side with the Institute. Players can go to this location at any time despite it being related to an Institute main quest.

13 Spray N’ Pray

The Spray N’ Pray should be a familiar weapon with most players for how useful it is and how annoying it was to find Cricket in order to buy it. It’s a sub-machine gun that deals 48 damage. This alone would make it a handy weapon but the perk causes each bullet to explode on impact dealing 15 damage AOE.

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Even if this isn’t your style of gun you will definitely want it if you’re trying to get the Eyes On The Prize achievement in Nuka-World. Take this baby into the Bandit Roundup shooting gallery and you’ll be raking in tickets in no time.

12 Ashmaker

Why use just a minigun when you can use a minigun that sets enemies on fire? That question can now be answered if players complete the quest The Big Dig and receive the Ashmaker as a prize. What miniguns might lack in damage, they make up for with their fire rate, and the Ashmaker makes that damage per second count go up with its fire damage.

It might be a heavy gun, but it’s worth having. Players could give it to a follower so they can free up some inventory space while still using the Ashmaker if they need the space. The Big Dig quest does have a few different endings, but all of them give players a way to get the Ashmaker, so they don’t have to worry about missing it based on dialogue options.

11 Kremvh’s Tooth

This wicked looking sacrificial blade is a great reference to the horror author H.P. Lovecraft who frequently wrote about cults worshiping powerful cosmic monstrosities. In fact the weapon is found beneath Dunwich Borers a reference to his short story The Dunwich Horror.

The dagger deals an impressive 49 damage and causes bleed and poison effects on opponents. Dark minded players will get a thrilled sneaking up on opponents, shiving them in the back with this wicked weapon, and watch as their enemy slowly dies and their souls are sent to the void where things wriggle in the darkness.

10 Protectron’s Gaze

While this weapon is pretty powerful, it takes a bit of effort to get it sometimes. Protectron’s Gaze is a laser rifle that was added in the Automatron DLC. One of the main aspects of this DLC is that players must find and defeat a character called the Mechanist, who has the only version of Protectron’s Gaze in the game.

When they meet the Mechanist in her lair, they can either kill her to get this weapon or, if she’s spared, she can offer the gun for players to buy if they give her a more powerful weapon. For those that like energy weapons, the trade might be worth it, as this gun does quite a bit of damage. It also reloads and fires faster than other weapons.

9 Final Judgement

Final Judgement looks like a weapon straight out of the Terminator series and acts like it too. It’s a Gatling laser that deals 26 damage with a ridiculous fire rate. There’s few feelings greater in this game then pummeling laser beam after laser beam into a deathclaw and watching it melt.

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The one downside is that it requires the valuable Fusion Cores to power it. This can get pricey and you’ll be debating between using this gun or your power armor, but for those with the funds or the stash of Cores this is a fun gun.

8 Kiloton Radium Rifle

The Kiloton Raidum Rifle is very similar to the Spray N. Pray but is far superior. It’s physical damage is 36, but it also deals 50 radiation damage over time and like the Spray N Pray it’s bullets explode on impact dealing 15 AOE damage.

This semi-automatic radiation gun is great for firing a couple of rounds into distant opponents and watch as their health drains away before they can reach you. If you want your hands on this weapon you’ll need to visit the Children of Atom at the Nucleus.

7 Gamma Gun

While this gun may not look super powerful, it can pack a punch against human enemies. The Gamma Gun does lots of radiation damage to enemies and has a fairly large area of effect compared to most guns.

This weapon can also come with legendary effects on it for even more bonuses. That plus the multiple options to mod the Gamma Gun can make it even more powerful for any difficulty or any player’s skill level. A few shots from this gun can even take out large, heavily-armored bosses — as long as they’re humans since most creatures and robots in the Wasteland aren’t too adversely affected by radiation.

6 Atom’s Judgement

Speaking of the Children of Atom, another weapon in their possession is this monstrous Atom’s Judgement. It’s a massive sledgehammer that deals a terrifying 315 damage with 787 radiation damage over time. This is possible thanks to the cracked fusion cores the cultists strapped to the head of the hammer.

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A few swings should kill just about anything and whatever manages to survive will quickly succumb to the radiation now flowing through their body. Even if you don’t plan on using this hammer yourself having a companion like Strong wield this weapon makes for a terrifying ally.

5 Cito’s Shiny Slugger

This unique baseball bat is found in the Nuka-World DLC after players help rescue the family of a character named Cito. He will give them this bat as a reward for their efforts.

Cito’s Shiny Slugger can do 94 damage. It also has the Relentless effect on it, causing Critical Hits to refill the player’s AP so they can do more targeted damage even quicker. There are lots of different upgrades that players can put on this bat as well, and the Nuka-World DLC also allows players to paint the bat and make it weighted, which does even more damage.

4 Admiral’s Friend

The DLC Far Harbor introduced a number of unique concepts and harpoon guns like Admiral’s Friend is by far the most interesting. It deals a whopping 300 damage which thanks to a perk doubles to 600 if the opponent is at full health.

Admittedly the fire rate is abysmal, but for stealthy characters taking that 600 damage and adding in a stealth multiplier on top can deal astronomical levels of damage. If anything doesn’t die after that first hit they almost deserve to live.

3 Splattercannon

This deceptively named weapon is great for mid-ranged encounters. Found in Nuka-World it deals 49 damage and has an excellent fire rate. What really makes it shine is the perk that deals increased damage after each consecutive hit on the same target.

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If you can make every hit count than your damage output will skyrocket very quickly as stronger and stronger bullets pummel into your enemies.

2 The Problem Solver

This weapon is similar to the Splattercannon but with much better range at the cost of initial damage. The first bullet deals 21 damage, but with a perk that increases damage by 15% for each consecutive hit it will quickly add up.

Because it’s a ranged weapon players can get some far range shots at the enemy and by the time they get close you’ll have a weapon capable of dishing out impressive damage, assuming your shots hit the target of course.  Some players prefer the slower fire rate as there’s less chance of one of the bullets missing and resetting the damage stack.

1 Nuka-Nuke Launcher

Arguably the most powerful weapon in the game is the Nuka-Nuke Launcher found in Nuka-World. It’s essentially a Fat Man that has been modified to hurl modified mini-nukes known as Nuka-Nukes at foes.

These Nuka-Nukes deal a whopping 833 damage at a decent range from the enemy. This thing is absolutely useless in close quarters so you’ll want something like the Atom’s Judgement for those encounters, but for mid-range enemies this will obliterate them on the atomic level. In a world devastated by nuclear holocaust and radioactive fallout it’s only fitting that a mini-nuke launcher would be the strongest weapon in the wastes.

Next: Fallout 4: The 10 Most Powerful Enemies, Ranked

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