The Metal Gear series is one of gaming’s longest and most beloved, as well as one of the first to ever introduce a stealth as the main mechanic. That’s all well and good, but the series is also known for something else, being absolutely crazy with its story. At this point, the kind of abstract and insane storytelling is what the series’ lead developer, Hideo Kojima, is known for.
While his style of storytelling has definitely earned him a solid following in the gaming world, it has its problems, mainly that it leads to a lot of confusing moments and plot holes.
10 Liquid Is Ocelot, But Not

Okay, so the dynamic between Solid and Liquid Snake was probably something that Kojima didn’t think fans would latch onto so much. This is probably why Kojima seemingly regretted killing him off and then thought of ways to bring him back in the most Kojima way possible. Instead of just having another clone with Liquid’s memories made, he had Liquid’s severed arm possess Revolver Ocelot and take over his mind. However, it turns out he wasn’t possessed and Ocelot was only really good at acting so that he could try to throw off Solid Snake, maybe, who knows?
9 Venom Snake’s Horn Grows

An interesting mechanic that was added in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain was the hidden mechanic known as the Demon Points mechanic. This mechanic measured certain actions that the player made and used them to change the appearance of Venom Snake. Certain actions like killing enemy soldiers would increase a player’s demon points and actions like extracting them would reduce demon points. The more demon points a player had, the more blood would appear on Snake and the longer the shard sticking out of his head would be.
8 Why Was There A Fire Whale And Unicorn In MGS 5

The introduction sequence in MGSV has to be one of the longest that video game history has ever had, With multiple losses of consciousness for Venom Snake making it hard to tell just how long it has been since he first woke up. Then when the game gets going, it puts the player through a basic tutorial sequence that is also long. There’s also a fire ghost and a ghost child with a gas mask. As the player eventually escapes from the hospital Snake was being treated in on horseback, they encounter the fire ghost once more, this time with a giant firey blue whale that dives onto Snake and a fire unicorn that fire guy mounts. Both of these things are never seen or mentioned again.
7 Phantom Pain Has More Advanced Tech

MGSV is supposed to be a prequel to many games in the Metal Gear Solid series, being the second game to happen in the series chronologically after the events of MGS3: Snake Eater. The problem that writers and developers come into with writing prequels is that they have all these cool new ideas that they want to implement but they have to make sure that it is gone by the end or else it will conflict with the older games that chronologically happen after the one they are making. This happens in MGSV as there is tech that blows other games’ tech in the franchise out of the water but for some reason, it is never seen again.
6 Snake’s FOXDIE Virus Was Cured

Solid Snake has to be one of the most unfortunate characters in all of video game history. Throughout the entire series the man can’t catch a break. First, he isn’t his own person as he is a clone of another person and one of many at that. He also ages faster due to that, so he looks to be in his mid-60s in his early 40s and he also has the FOXDIE virus which is killing him faster than his ageing. Luckily Snake does catch one break when he becomes infected with a different strain of FOXDIE which somehow cancels out the one that he already had, so he is able to live in peace at last.
5 Cyborg Big Boss Gets Lit On Fire

Big Boss has been through a lot by Metal Gear Solid 2. Big Boss has been shot, stabbed, and stung so many times it’s hard to count. This has led to many surgeries and amputations for the grizzled veteran, so many in fact that at this point he can be considered something of a cyborg.
This is what makes his defeat in MG 2 strange as Solid Snake beats him by using a makeshift flamethrower to burn Big Boss who is mostly metal. This was actually referenced in MGSV where Big Boss does the same thing to the lady who would become Quiet in the game’s opening.
4 Raiden’s Enemies Have Gatorade In Their Spines

Okay, so no, Raiden’s enemies don’t literally have Gatorade in their spines in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but the game does make constant references to electrolytes and if someone was asked what had electrolytes, they would say Gatorade. Either way, it seems strange that the enemies that Raiden faces don’t deploy different kinds of soldiers, perhaps ones that don’t contain an easily accessible source of health regeneration for their ninja cyborg assassin to fuel himself on.
3 What Even Is Psycho Mantis

Psycho Mantis is probably one of the most memorable bosses in the series history and probably even up there in terms of most memorable bosses of all time. Psycho Mantis is one of, if not the only character in the entire series to break the fourth wall and actively mess with the player.
Reading your movements through your controller and being able to tell what game’s the player plays is crazy, but just one question, how does he do this and why doesn’t he seem more bothered that he isn’t actually real?
2 What Happened To The Mechanics From Snake Eater?

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is the first game in the franchise to let us play as the infamous Big Boss, albeit in his early days before he took on the title and was known as Naked Snake. The game also featured a ton of interesting hidden mechanics that were barely mentioned, if they were mentioned at all. If the player had Snake eat certain foods he would get used to it and food he liked would fill him up more. The best example of this is the ability to just wait out a boss fight by not playing the game for a few days, after which the boss will die of old age.
1 Quiet Breathes And Drinks Through Her Skin

So something that gamers can agree on is that the story of Metal Gear Solid is ridiculous when it comes to the story and its justifications for certain things. One of which being that the character introduced in MGSV, Quiet, is able to survive without food, by breathing and drinking water through her skin. This is because she sustained heavy injuries at the hand of Big Boss which somehow makes sense. This also means that if she wears too much clothing she will suffocate, hence her outfit choice.
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