World Of Warcraft: 15 Best Transmog Sets For Mages | Game Rant

Tired of the current mage robe offerings in World of Warcraft? Maybe it’s time to play with the transmog system. Blizzard’s pumped out numerous armor sets over the years. As such, there’s plenty from old profession patterns to recent expansion sets. With such a wide variety of colors and styles, transmog offers players a highly in-depth level of customization.

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For mages, there are transmog sets for any situation. There are those tailored for specific specs and others that are just amazing to look at, regardless of spells used. Take a moment to consider some of the best sets from the past when creating a new look and personality for mages.

Updated December 6th, 2020 by Christopher Fain: With the release of the Shadowlands expansion, World of WarCraft transmoggers now have access to a wide variety of new options. Whether players strictly want their unique Covenant look or want something more unique from other areas of the Shadowlands, this expansion has everything one needs.

Each Covenant sells its own transmog options, including special back pieces to further cement the aesthetics. Even if Covenant designs don’t work for a specific character, there are many more cloth pieces for consideration, even if you choose to look more like a citizen of Oribos than a member of a Covenant.

15 Soulbreaker Burnished Set

Venthyr mages live to be feared. Unfortunately, the Venthyr aesthetic doesn’t always mesh well with a mage. Luckily, the Burnished recolor of the Soulbreaker set has blue and violet hues. The set is currently unobtainable but all pieces should be available from Venthyr quartermasters in Sinfall and more than likely require specific renown ranks for purchase as other Covenant sets do.

This transmog includes the full Soulbreaker Burnished set, from helm to slippers. It pairs well with the mythic Quarterstaff of Discordant Ethic from Spires of Ascension. Mages in this set will have all the Venthyr nobility dying for their look.

14 Oribosian Acolyte (Custom)

The beings that reside in Oribos have a unique aesthetic that’s somewhere between priestly and otherworldly. Cloth wearers have the opportunity to mimic their style with several cloth pieces throughout Shadowlands content. The silvery pieces with violet-hued cloth are best for mages.

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This custom set includes Abominable Visage, Gory Surgeon’s Gloves, and Reanimator’s Mantle from The Necrotic Wake, and the mythic recolor of Forgotten Shade’s Shawl from The Maw. Additional pieces include Kin-Tara’s Baleful Cord, mythic Dark Stride Footwraps, and mythic Quarterstaff of Discordant Ethic from Spires of Ascension.

13 The Alchemist (Custom)

Mages aligned with either the Venthyr or Necrolords may find the custom The Alchemist set to their liking. It evokes the concept of a plague doctor with vials of red poison (or blood) on the shoulders and in hand.

The set includes the mythic recolors of Confidant’s Favored Cap, Shawl of the Penitent, Cinch of Infinite Tightness, and Robes of the Cursed Commando (which should have red potion vials instead of blue) from Castle Nathria. Additionally, this set includes Bloody Surgeon’s Mitts from The Blood Furnace, Argent Conscript’s Treads from Argent Crusade Quartermasters in Icecrown, Sinful Gladiator’s Crusaderblade, and Anima Infused Muck.

12 Night Courtier’s Set

Mages who dabble in Fae magics prefer sets that show their Night Fae pride. There’s no better choice than the collectible transmog pieces of the Night Courtier’s set. This set is a recolor of the main Night Fae set, however, it requires a significant amount of renown.

The gloves, waist, and wrist become available at renown rank 16 for 1500 anima each. The legs, boots, and cloak unlock at rank 26 for 3000 anima each. The shoulders, chest, and helm become available at renown 32 for 4000 anima each. All of these are available from Covenant vendors within the Heart of the Forest. The matching staff is the Warspear of the Wild Hunt from Night Fae Armor Trader Mar’lan in the sanctum area.

11 Vestments Of The Selfless

Kyrian Mages need a priestly look to match their brethren in the heavenly realm of Bastion. What better choice than the Selfless Watcher set from the Covenant? Purchase every piece of the set from Forgelite Neptira, found in Elysian Hold. Each piece requires anima to purchase, so make sure the reservoir is high.

The Sinful Aspirant’s Staff is a close match to the set. Those interested may purchase it from Purveyor Zo’kuul in Oribos for 1750 honor points. There are many staves found throughout the Shadowlands with this same model for those who prefer not to PvP.

10 Mageweave Regalia (Red Recolor)

Although simple in aesthetics and easily-obtained, all variants of the Mageweave Regalia stand out among other classic and low-level designs. The Regalia comes in red, violet, and the original black. The red recolor, in particular, is fantastic for a fire mage.

For the red set, either craft or purchase the primary pieces Cindercloth Vest and Cindercloth Pants. Then, obtain Ashwalker’s Footwraps, Gloves of the High Magus, and Earthmender’s Bracer of Shattering. Combine this set with Whitemane’s Chapeau, Embersilk Mantle, and Glowing Brightwood Staff to make a High Inquisitor Whitemane set any mage (or priest) would be envious of. Create the Mageweave Regalia through tailoring or purchase it from the auction house.

9 Conqueror’s Kirin Tor Garb (25-Man Recolor)

The stunning, robeless Kirin Tor set from the Ulduar raid comes with a mysterious and intimidating look. The helm features a glowing, arcane eye that hovers just in front of it. Another glowing light feature beams from the domes of the shoulder pieces, as if containing powerful energies.

The Kirin Tor Garb comes in Valorous and Conqueror’s editions. The Valorous set has a red hue while the Conqueror’s comes in a violet shade. Obtaining the Conqueror’s version requires gaining all the set pieces through Wayward Vanquisher tokens from the 25-man difficulty of Ulduar.

8 Darkshore Warfront Cloth

The Battle for Azeroth expansion brought with it the all-new Warfronts. Although they came with problems, the sets they offer are fantastic. The cloth versions of the Darkshore sets for both Horde and Alliance are unique looks individualized for both factions.

The Alliance cloth set is reminiscent of a Night Elf priest. It comes adorned with feathers and other Kal’dorei trinkets. The female variant includes a translucent, lace-like chest piece unseen on other armors in World of Warcraft. The Horde gets a set inspired by the Plaguebringers of the Forsaken. It comes with 3D jeweled wristbands and a pointy cultist hat. The higher-end version comes with a haunting plague doctor mask, vials of glowing plague, and pointy objects galore.

7 Valorous Frostfire Garb (25-Man Recolor)

Few mage sets are as iconic as the Frostfire Garb from Naxxramas. The 25-man Valorous variant comes with a slight change to its features. It’s a violet cloth set with large, glowing, purple crystals on the shoulder pads dripping in icicles, making a perfect look for arcane and frost mages alike.

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The Valorous Frostfire Garb combines seamlessly with the violet variant of the Ebonchill staff from Legion. For a more sinister look, combine it with the Staff of Infinite Mysteries from Karazhan. There’s enough purple here to make Prince proud.

6 Tempest Regalia

Mages who prefer to explode with vibrant, magical energies might appreciate what the electrifying Tempest Regalia has to offer. A fan favorite from The Burning Crusade, when the shoulder and helm are paired together, the set appears to create a Nikola Tesla-like beacon of ley energy, glowing and crackling with magic. Purchase each piece of the regalia from the vendor in the Battle for Mount Hyjal instance.

If the set feels a bit too dated, try for the updated version from the Tomb of Sargeras. It adds even more lightning as well as 3D features on the gloves, chest, and belt. Those who want to make an even bigger impression need the Mythic version which comes in a bright, golden hue and even more glowing features.

5 Sanctified Bloodmage’s Regalia (25-Man Heroic Recolor)

Ready to join the Venthyr Covenant of Shadowlands but don’t know what to wear to the party? The Bloodmage’s Regalia is the perfect vampiric robe. Specifically, it’s the Sanctified 25-man version that makes a lasting impression on vampyr-kind. The red and black robes as well as the royal cowl with sharp teeth come straight from the San’layn, a vampiric subspecies of elves.

Obtaining the set requires the initial purchase of the non-sanctified pieces from the mage vendor in the Icecrown Citadel. Loot armor tokens from 25-man bosses within the raid and exchange them and a non-sanctified piece to get the red and black variant. Show your character’s fangs and prove their worth to the Venthyr at the next grand ball.

4 Magister’s Regalia

For a more traditional, Azerothian look, there’s no better transmog choice than the Magister’s Regalia. It’s a red and purple gown with golden accents and jewels. No true mage citizen of Dalaran goes without the Magister’s Regalia in their wardrobe.

The Magister’s Regalia dates back to vanilla World of Warcraft, making it one of the first sets most mages might have acquired. Each piece drops from mobs within Blackrock Spire and Stratholme. An updated version of this set also exists as part of the Mountainsage collection given to mage characters upon purchasing a level boost.

3 Firelord’s Vestments (Heroic Recolor)

No truer fire mage set exists than the heroic variant of the Firelord’s Vestments. Don the flaming skull of the Firelord and burn through foes, leaving nothing but ash and cinders. This magnificent flame robe comes with smoking lava rock for shoulder pads and robe pieces adorned with fiery runes.

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Obtain the red and gold heroic variants of the Firelord’s set from heroic Blackwing Descent. Combine this set with the red heroic variant of the Funeral Pyre staff from Firelands for the ultimate fire mage transmog. Make all bear witness to the power of flame!

2 Netherwind Regalia

In vanilla, the Netherwind Regalia was the crown jewel of mage sets. The set may appear dated now, but for those nostalgic few, nothing beats the vibrant blue and violet color combination of these robes. The shoulder pads also emit an eerie glow that resonates with any arcane mage.

Collecting this set takes a bit of effort as the pieces drop from three different raids. The leg piece drops from Ragnaros in Molten Core, the helm drops from Onyxia in Onyxia’s lair, and everything else drops from bosses in Blackwing Lair. The regalia pairs remarkably well with the Grand Scepter of the Nexus-Kings dropped by a boss in the Mana-Tombs.

1 Eternal Dynasty Regalia

Fans of the Mists of Pandaria expansion, or those simply looking for something different, must check out the Eternal Dynasty Regalia. This unique set comes from many sources within the expansion. It features an ornate gown with Pandaren symbolism, a rope belt, and an interesting top knot-esque headpiece. The female variant comes with an altered chest piece and a visible necklace.

Obtain this decadent and powerful-looking set from the Tailoring profession, Shado-Pan Quartermaster, and various raid drops from Mogu’shan Vaults. No other mage will look quite as fabulous.

NEXT: World of Warcraft: 10 Things To Do Before Shadowlands

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