Genshin Impact Trailer Highlights Venti | Game Rant

After its incredible start, miHoYo has only pushed Genshin Impact further in advertising. Although a release on Xbox is unlikely, Genshin Impact has quickly become beloved by many.

The sweeping and explosive popularity of Genshin Impact has a lot of factors behind it, but advertising in the West is not a huge one. Right up until its official release, the game was mostly a footnote in the American market, although its predecessor was beloved in China. Many players know the game’s name now though, and its player base is growing rapidly on almost anything with a screen. The company behind Genshin Impact, miHoYo, has also stepped up with more videos introducing its world and characters.

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Characters in Genshin Impact can be separated into a few categories. NPCs can range from colorful to ill-defined, and the occasional boss character is often an important, imposing figure. But it’s the playable characters who stand out the most. One of the most intriguing, at least once players do some digging, is Venti. Players want to get their hands on Venti for more than just his power. On the surface, this ephemeral boy appears to be a young, wandering bard, but his rare five-star status hints at something more. This is explored more in a recent video from miHoYo.

The video shows some notable interactions between Venti and other important characters. One of these is a human whose face is obscured, which some players have already inferred that this is the legendary Lionfang Knight. The other two are powerful creatures, and not the sort any random bard would interact with. This is because, as first hinted in an early Genshin Impact story trailer, Venti is not human: he’s the Archon of Wind.

Originally a small wind spirit, Venti joined with a young bard in the rebellion against the God of Storms to free Montstadt over 2,000 years before Genshin Impact‘s story. It’s this bard’s appearance he copies, but he’s more powerful than any human. It’s no wonder Venti is considered one of the best characters in the game.

It seems that Venti’s overwhelming power is so great that even the devs feared him. A leak of patch 1.1 revealed upcoming character nerfs, and Venti’s was one of the names on the list. This is a serious blow to anyone who spent serious money chasing this rare character. Still, even with less power, Venti is still an enjoyable, goofy, and wise character.

Genshin Impact is available on PC, PS4, and mobile devices.

MORE: How to Fix Genshin Impact Error Code 4206

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