The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 10 Things that Make No Sense About the End of the Series

Netflix recently released the last batch of episodes for season four of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Netflix canceled the series in July, so unless another network picks it up (which seems unlikely, as it’s usually Netflix doing the saving) then fans will have to look elsewhere for some closure.

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Fortunately, the series is set to continue in comic book form, but fans will be expecting rather a lot from it as the end of the TV series left a lot of plot holes and unanswered questions. There is a myriad of things that made no sense about the end of the last season, but here are just ten of the biggest questions fans have after watching. Spoilers ahead.

10 Caliban

Caliban tried to trap Sabrina, Lucifer, and Lilith so that he could become King of Hell, yet these last few episodes saw him cozying up to Sabrina Morningstar and even marrying her. This left a lot of questions for fans, as it was never actually revealed where his loyalties truly were.

While some viewers might like to think he definitely fell in love, the last batch of episodes saw the Prince still scheming to attack Lilith and her baby in order to secure the throne for himself, so it’s plausible he was using Sabrina for his own ends too.

9 The Spear of Longinus

After fan-favorite Lilith kills his baby, Lucifer curses her with immortality so that she will have to suffer for the rest of eternity. However, Lilith has another plan — she asks Caliban to retrieve the Spear of Longinus from hell as this is the only weapon that can kill immortals, so she can put herself out of her misery.

This makes absolutely no sense. If this weapon was so easily retrieved, why didn’t Lilith get it to kill Lucifer when they attempted to stab him the first time? Why didn’t anyone use it to kill Father Blackwood? Could this have been used on any of the Eldritch Terrors?

8 Agatha’s Sanity

Agatha became insane after looking upon the pagan god Pan in his true form, and after this, she joined up with Father Blackwood once more as one of his followers. During the episode with the Imp of the Perverse, it made sense that Agatha suddenly became sane as it was a perverted universe where things were different.

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However, what doesn’t make sense is when Agatha suddenly regains her sanity later in the series. Viewers can only surmise that it is because Dorcus, who is one of the returned, forgives Agatha for killing her. But this is never actually explained, nor does it really hold any weight that simple forgiveness can somehow reverse the effects of Pan.

7 Lilith and Baby Adam

Lilith understandably named her son Adam (after the second Adam that came into her life that she fell in love with), but the idea of her killing her own baby to keep it from Lucifer seemed at odds with her character, as she loved the baby. Especially to kill it in the same way in which Lucifer killed her Adam seemed strange, as this massively affected her.

Furthermore, it would be more in keeping with her character for her to have faked baby Adam’s death in order to fool Lucifer. Lilith later receives a boon from Mambo Marie (who is revealed to be Baron Samedi) and there’s a scene where the wooden sculpture Adam gave Lilith speaks as though it is baby Adam, but this is never explained. Is baby Adam still dead, or alive somehow? What boon did she receive exactly?

6 Eldritch Immunity

The Eldritch Terrors feature as the main threat in season four, but the consistency with which they affected the characters left a lot to be desired. During the Riverdale crossover episode, Lucas was seemingly immune, but there was no real reason given as to why. It could be because he touched Sabrina’s tongue while she was “The Weird”, as Roz and Sabrina later surmise in the perverse universe that they are immune as they both came into contact with Eldritch terrors.

However, this also doesn’t seem to add up as Roz wasn’t immune to The Weird earlier, and Ambrose also came into contact with an Eldritch terror, yet he wasn’t immune in The Perverse. In fact, as Sabrina and The Weird “became one”, anyone who came into contact with Sabrina while she was like that should technically be immune.

5 Mambo Marie’s Revelation

There was more than one curveball that the final episodes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina threw at fans, but one of the more surprising ones was that Mambo Marie, one of the seemingly most powerful witches in the show, was actually Baron Samedi, a loa of the dead.

There’s a lot of things that confused viewers about this, such as how apparently none of the witches were aware of a different kind of being amongst them, how Mambo Marie fulfilled the role of a Weird Sister despite not being a witch, Marie’s character not matching up to the personality associated with Baron Samedi, and more.

4 The Sabrina’s Being Treated Differently

One of the biggest bugbears that fans have about the final episodes of the series is that the two Sabrinas were treated as two very different entities to the point where Lucifer referred to Sabrina Spellman as his “false daughter” and it caused all kinds of bad blood when Spellman’s soul was put into Sabrina Morningstar’s body after she had died.

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Biologically they are both the same, making them equally Lucifer’s daughter as they are the same person, only one has been alive for a couple of weeks longer due to the time paradox. So it made no sense that Lucifer and Caliban were going to wage war over Sabrina’s Morningstar’s body, it would be more acceptable that he would try to claim the other Sabrina as his own.

3 Roz’s Witch Revelation

The second part of season four decided to surprise fans by having it revealed that Roz, one of the main characters of the series, is actually a witch. In fact, she’s a special witch that falls into the seer category and goes on to become one of the new “Weird Sisters”.

There’s a lot of things about this that just don’t add up, like how Roz’s family never told her this, why on earth were the females in her family turning blind if they were just witches, she never had a dark baptism to claim her powers at age sixteen and more. Furthermore, it just seems to undermine the otherwise rather interesting concept of “the cunning”.

2 How Did the Endless and Sabrina Morningstar Die?

It was great fan service to add in the traditional talking Salem puppet that fans know and love from the original Sabrina TV series, even if it turned out that he was the Eldritch terror known as The Endless. However, it’s never really tied up as to how he and Sabrina Morningstar died.

They both jump through the mirror before The Void consumes them, but when Sabrina Morningstar arrives on the other side, there is no The Endless to be seen. Additionally, despite only appearing to have a few cuts to her face (which miraculously disappear when she’s later on the slab), this seems to be enough to kill her as she passes away shortly afterward.

1 Why Didn’t they Resurrect Either of the Sabrinas?

So despite having two Sabrinas by the end of the show, they both end up dead. The strange thing is, no one does anything about it. The Cain Pit has featured numerous times in the series to show that witches can be resurrected, yet this isn’t attempted with either Sabrina.

Though some might think it’s due to the witches’ lack of connection with The Dark Lord, they did manage to revive Aunt Hilda by calling upon Hecate instead. It’s also clearly not a sibling deal, as the name might suggest (Cain and Abel) as Sabrina resurrected Agatha before. Or, why didn’t Zelda use the dice given to her by Baron Samedi to ask him to return Sabrina as he did with Vinegar Tom?

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