Obey Me! Surprise Guests | All the right moves to raise your intimacy level

Throughout your year at the Royal Academy of Diavolo, alongside your packed curriculum of dance battles and flirty chatter you’ll have a chance to interact with Obey Me’s Surprise Guests.

After you’ve completed a dance battle, you have a chance to be interrupted by one of the characters you’ve used in combat. Once the surprise guest appears, you have an invaluable chance to increase your intimacy level with that one of your friends.

The intimacy boosts you can gain with surprise guests are significantly higher than what you’ll find playing through the visual novel sections of Obey Me, so it’s well worth making the most of your opportunity.

Remember, if you keep getting the same surprise guests, swap out the cards you use in battle for ones featuring different characters.

How do Surprise Guests work in Obey Me?

At the end of a dance battle, you’ll see a star rating and your rewards.

Based on the star rating, you’ll get a different encounter with a surprise guest from your party.

You get three chances to interact with the surprise guest in different ways. Picking the right move for the character and encounter will result in the best possible increase to your intimacy level.

There are three main ways to interact with the demon or student surprise guest:

  • Gift them items from the menu on the right-hand side of the screen
  • Touch your device’s screen in specific places
  • Shake your device

Gifts are the most sure-fire way to get a good reaction from your surprise guest. However, they’re expensive, and are usually bought from the Akuzon store on the D.D.D. homescreen for Devil Points.

You’ll know which gifts your surprise guests like by the sparkling aura around them in the menu. Make sure not to waste precious resources by experimenting pointlessly.

As for the touch interactions, you can either tap or rub on five different areas:

  • Hair
  • Face
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Hands

I’ve included the hands here as a separate area, but they tend to only count when the surprise guest raises their hands to congratulate you with a high five after a 3-star victory.

The other four areas should be quite straightforward to tell between.

Shaking your device is just that – wiggle your phone or connected device in the air a few times until your guest reacts.

Remember to be fast and deliberate in your touch movements, otherwise Obey Me could register some of your taps as rubs and rubs as taps! While it’s not a disaster if you miss out on the few extra intimacy level points, you want to maximise your effort as much as possible.

Obey Me Surprise Guest Interactions

Below we’ve listed out all of the Obey Me surprise guests’ favourite moves, including when to tap, when to rub, and when to shake.

Additional data on top of what we’ve played comes from the Obey Me fandom community under CC-BY-SA license, which means you can also use and remix the below data as you like too.

While gift items that sparkle in your inventory often result in a good result, it’s inconclusive as to exactly which ones give the best results – so we’ve chosen not to include them rather than give out bad information.

The best results for each encounter round are in italics. If there isn’t an italicised entry, then this is when you’d use a gift item for the maximum amount of points.

Diavolo Obey Me Surprise Guest

Diavolo Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Sometimes you need to get up and move…” 3-star Win Chest tap
Hair rub
Arm tap
Chest tap
Arm tap
Hair tap
Hair rub
Face rub
Arm rub
Hair tap
Chest tap
Arm tap
Hair rub
Face tap
Chest rub
Arm rub
“Is this one of the things where you high five…” 3-star Win Hands Face tap

Chest tap
Hair tap
Hair rub
Arm tap

Hair rub
Face tap
Chest tap
Hair tap
Chest rub
Arm rub
“I’m always right beside you…” 1-2-star Win Chest tap Hair rub
Face tap
Chest rub
Arm tap
Face tap
Arm rub
Shake your device
Hair tap
Face rub
Chest rub
Arm tap

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Lucifer Obey Me Surprise Guest

Lucifer Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“I feel wonderful…” 3-star Win Face tap
Chest tap
Arm rub
Hair tap
Hair rub
Chest rub
Arm rub
Hair rub
Chest rub
Face rub
Arm tap
Shake your device
“A high five…” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Hair tap
Chest rub
Arm tap
Arm rub
Hair rub
Chest rub
Arm tap
Hair tap
Face rub
Chest tap
Arm rub
“It’s not the result I was hoping for…” 1-2-star Win Face rub
Chest rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Chest rub
Arm tap
Hair tap
Hair rub
Chest tap
Arm rub

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Mammon Obey Me Surprise Guest

Mammon Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Muahaha…” 3-star Win Hair rub
Face rub
Arm tap
Hair rub
Face rub
Arm rub
Shake your device
Face rub
Hair rub
Chest tap
Arm tap
“Did you see that…” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Face rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Chest rub
Shake your device
“I’m so tired of this…” 1-2-star Win Hair tap
Face tap
Hair rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Arm rub
Face tap
Arm tap
Shake your device

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Leviathan Obey Me Surprise Guest

Leviathan Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Don’t forget to thank me…” 3-star Win Hair tap
Chest rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Shake your device
“Don’t tell me….” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Arm tap
Hair tap
Chest tap
Shake your device
Hair rub
Chest rub
Arm rub
Face tap
Arm tap
Shake your device
“Can you see how strong I am now…” 1-2-star Win Hair tap
Chest rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Shake your device

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Satan Obey Me Surprise Guest

Satan Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Of course we won…” 3-star Win Chest tap
Face rub
Chest tap
Hair tap
Shake your device
Face tap
Arm rub
Arm tap
Shake your device
“That was a nice victory…” 3-star Win Hands Chest tap
Face rub
Arm tap
Chest tap
Arm tap
Hair tap
Shake your device
“Don’t get too comfortable…” 1-2-star Win Face tap
Chest rub
Arm tap
Chest tap
Hair tap
Arm tap
Chest tap
Hair tap
Shake your device

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Asmodeus Obey Me Surprise Guest

Asmodeus Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Aren’t you amazed…” 3-star Win Arm tap
Hair rub
Arm rub
Arm tap
Face rub
Chest rub
Arm rub
Face tap
Hair rub
Chest rub
“That was a nice victory…” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Shake your device
“Do you think we’re a good match…” 1-2-star Win Hair tap
Face tap
Hair tap
Face tap
Hair rub
Arm rub

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Beelzebub Obey Me Surprise Guest

Beelzebub Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Now I can rest…” 3-star Win Hair tap
Face rub
Arm tap
Hair tap
Face rub
Chest rub
Arm rub
Chest rub
Hair tap
“I’ll give this victory to you…” 3-star Win Hands Face rub
Chest rub
Arm tap
Arm rub
Chest rub
Hair rub
“My stomach…” 1-2-star Win Face rub
Chest rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Chest tap
Arm tap
Arm rub

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Belphegor Obey Me Surprise Guest

Belphegor Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Do you really think I’d lose…” 3-star Win Face tap
Arm tap
Hair rub
Hair tap
Arm tap
Face rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Face tap
“We might be compatible…” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Face rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Chest rub
Shake your device
“This is nothing…” 1-2-star Win Hair rub
Face tap
Chest rub
Arm rub
Hair rub
Chest tap
Hair rub

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Barbatos Obey Me Surprise Guest

Barbatos Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Please continue as you are… 3-star Win Hair tap
Arm tap
Arm rub
Shake your device
Chest rub
Hair tap
Hair rub
Chest tap
Arm tap
Hair rub
Face tap
Hair tap
Face rub
Arm tap
Arm rub
“High five…” 3-star Win Hands Chest tap
Hair rub
Face tap
Face rub
Hair tap
Chest tap
Arm tap
Face tap
Face rub
Chest rub
Arm rub
Shake your device
“Is there some way…” 1-2-star Win Chest tap Hair tap
Chest rub
Arm tap
Hair tap
Hair rub
Face tap
Arm tap
Arm rub

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Luke Obey Me Surprise Guest

Luke Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“This will make for a great report…” 3-star Win Hair rub
Arm tap
Arm rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Arm tap
Arm rub
Hair rub
Face tap
Chest rub
“Let’s win this…” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Face tap
Arm tap
Head tap
Face rub
Hair rub
Face tap
Chest tap
Chest rub
Arm rub
“I’ve gotta get serious…” 1-2-star Win Hair tap
Face tap
Hair rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Arm rub
Face tap
Arm tap
Shake your device

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Simeon Obey Me Surprise Guest

Simeon Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“I am pleased…” 3-star Win Hair rub
Arm tap
Arm rub
Chest rub
Face rub
Arm tap
Hair rub
Arm rub
Face tap
Chest rub
“I’ve always wanted to try…” 3-star Win Hands Hair rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Hair rubFace rub
Chest rub
Shake your device
“Because you’ve been such a great help…” 1-2-star Win Hair rub
Face rub
Chest tap
Chest rub
Arm tap
Hair rub
Face rub
Hair rub
Arm rub
Face tap
Arm tap
Shake your device

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

Solomon Obey Me Surprise Guest

Solomon Surprise Guest Encounters
Surprise Guest text Encounter Location Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
“Don’t worry…” 3-star Win Chest rub
Chest tap
Chest tap
Chest rub
Arm tap
Chest tap
Chest rub
Face tap
Arm tap
“You’re quite something…” 3-star Win Hands Arm tap
Chest tap
Arm rub
Hair rub
Face rub
Chest rub
Shake your device
“If you have any questions…” 1-2-star Win Chest tap
Chest rub
Arm rub
Chest tap
Chest rub
Chest tap
Hair tap
Face tap
Chest rub
Arm rub

The best results for each round are in italics. Non-italicised entries still yield intimacy level points.

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