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VG247’s Alternate Game Awards 2022

8 12 月, 2022 Staff 0

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – not Christmas, but time for The Game Awards! Not those ones, though – the VG247 Alternate Game Awards. Which are better than the glitz and glamor of the real ceremony, so say we. Yeah, we …

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Scavengers: 10 Essential tips to get started in this free-to-play strategic shooter

23 7 月, 2021 Staff 0

Keep Warm, Explorers.Scavengers is a unique and action-packed shooter which blends elements of sandbox PvE, survival games and class-based PvP. It’s available to play now for free in Early Access, with developers currently working with the game’s community to implement regular improvements. Each match takes place on a frozen wasteland, decimated after an asteroid hits […]

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You want online privacy. Avast Secure Browser is the answer.

15 6 月, 2021 Staff 0

With so many options for web browsers, each offering its own version of “private browsing”, picking the right one can be a real challenge. However, what most of them call “private browsing” isn’t actually all that private. Moreover, the majority of browsers require downloading countless other pieces of software, such as extensions or add-ons, to fully protect you, leaving you stuck doing even more research to find the right programs to protect your privacy and security.

Avast Secure Browser is the solution that offers everything you need for a secure and private web browsing experience.

Smart Browsing: What is it and why is it so important?

When the internet was first imagined, no one could have guessed just how massive it would become, nor how dangerous. We dreamed of connecting people to share information and collaborate on new ideas. Instead, we have a wealth of personal data that is poorly protected by a disjointed series of patches against increasing breaches, exploits, and c…

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Help those affected by the Israel-Gaza conflict

20 5 月, 2021 Staff 0

The recent resumption of hostilities between Israeli armed forces and Hamas is taking a terrible toll on the people of Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem; at time of writing, over 200 civilians have died and thousands more are injured. Longstanding destruction of infrastructure, including loss of power and water, makes treating the wounded a challenge […]

The post Help those affected by the Israel-Gaza conflict appeared first on VG247.

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MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Brings Tactical Mech-Driven Warfare to Steam and Xbox This May

5 5 月, 2021 Staff 0

It’s time to be your own weapon of war. [Sponsored Post]Great news, Mercs! MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries lands on Steam, Xbox and GoG on May 27. The sprawling tactical FPS makes its long-awaited return to Xbox consoles, bringing action-packed BattleMech skirmishes to even more players than before, while delivering a hefty update to existing players which […]

The post MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries Brings Tactical Mech-Driven Warfare to Steam and Xbox This May appeared first on VG247.