10 Near-Impossible Things You Never Thought You Could Do in GTA V

Every time Rockstar Games create a video game, they make sure to pack so many details that it seems almost insane. Believe it or not, but it’s been close to 7 years, and Grand Theft Auto V is still going strong. The game has gone through three console generations and still looks like something that is released last year. That compliments the enormously large amount of content packed in that 90+ GB of game data.

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Many gamers passionately play through GTA V every day, from speedrunners to players who like the online. Seeing that, it is safe to assume that some great people are continually discovering new details. One of those is DarkViperAU, someone who has two channels dedicated to the game on youtube. All of the details below are written based on the content on his channel, which is why almost every GTA V fan should support him here.

10 Fast Travelling To House While Loading

There’s an interesting way to fast travel in Grand Theft Auto V while just loading into the game. Its actual benefit is still up for debate, but it can still be used intentionally. While it seems like Rockstar Game has not planned this thing to happen, it’s possible to hold down the character switch button while loading to warp them directly to their houses. This is exactly how this works. A player can create a save file standing at any place in the game, then load it into it while pressing the PC’s character switch button. The only catch is, players must push the button of any two of the characters which aren’t the one that is being loaded.

9 Moving Both Crates At The Same Time

This one is a bit crazier, with a nonexistent use case. During the missing “Scouting the Port,” the players can do a neat little trick to sort of push the crates at the same time. In normal circumstances, the game will require the players to take both crates one by one. But it’s possible to totally cripple the game’s physics by limiting the game to 15 fps. After the frame cap, players will easily move both the crates, except it will be much slower. Maybe this one is worth a shot, especially to see what other game physics effects are crippled because of this.

8 Avoiding Tunnel During First Heist

“The Jewel Store Job” is the first heist mission in Grand Theft Auto V. Sadly. Many people may think that the mission is pretty much point to point, lacking complete freedom. This, however, is not true because it is possible to avoid the entire tunnel section by using the roads to get to the area where the mission ends. Doing this is pretty easy, as long as the players can memorize the exact path to take on the roads. This is perfectly described in the video here.

7 Reaching Insane Speeds

There’s a method in Grand Theft Auto V which allows the players to speed up their cars. By using this method, they can go above and beyond their vehicle’s speed limit within a matter of a few seconds. The technique is usually called “Brake Boosting,” which involves pressing the breaks for half a second during an elevation change while driving.

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This can be mightily useful for many who want to do some epic stunts. FriendlyBaron has a video explaining the technique that explains how it is done.

6 Warping Through Garage

GTA V very much encourages warping in some places. Players can block their doorways to warp them in or out of the car. The best use case is for speed-runners, but normal players can also save some time while replaying the game. To do this, players need to press the enter car button while standing at the garage’s corners. This will warp them into the car through the garage, like magic.

5 Cheating In Triathlon

Yet another crazy thing that many people might not know is being able to cheat in Triathlon. This is one of the funniest tricks players can use to speed up their winning process essentially. Rockstar Games have not put a restriction on using cycles to finish the sprint races. The only catch here is to exit the cycle at every checkpoint and get back onto it. Nobody will care that the players are using the cycle and not their legs to run.

4 Climbing Stairs Faster

Not many people know this, but there’s a big difference between the first and third-person modes in GTA V. It is not just a POV switch but also a way to alter how the game plays.  Grand Theft Auto V utilizes a lot of animation to bring out its feel of realism.

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One example of this is climbing stairs, where almost always the characters will have a slower separate animation for stepping up. This can be totally negated by using the first-person mode, where the character will sprint up the stairs.

3 Skip Garage Animation

Talking about the previous point, many other animations in the game can not be skipped. Grand Theft Auto V’s attention to details looks good at first but later gets irritating after doing the same thing for the 100th time. One such thing is modifying a car. Every time the player enters, it plays the whole car animation. However, this one can totally be skipped by opening the weapon wheel while entering the garage.

2 Skipping Mission Objectives

A lot of players complain about GTA V’s mission structure. In fact, many people consider Rockstar’s game design to be outdated as it’s mostly about going from point A to B, and so on. While it is certainly not wrong to say about Grand Theft Auto V, some missions can be played like a truly free experience. One such example is the mission “Lamar Down,” where the players can ignore most of the mission objectives and directly save Lamar.

1 Duplicate Your Vehicle

The funniest and simplest trick to pull of in GTA is vehicle duplication. The trick is super easy and can be done within a few seconds once the game is loaded. To do so, the players must sit in the car in the garage. After this, players need to exit the car and switch to another character during the exit animation. Then the players need to switch back, and they’ll see a duplicate car next to them. Why one will need duplicate vehicles in the single-player of GTA V is still up for debate.

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