Reddit Nails It With Charming Super Bowl Ad Inspired By GameStop Saga

GameStop stock prices have all but cooled down by now, yet the 2 weeks of fascinating storylines that saw Reddit traders take substantial profits from Wall Street hedge funds will leave behind at least three GameStop movies that aim to put their spin on the craziest news to hit financial markets in a while.

Despite all that, Reddit, the platform that enabled the ragtag bunch of internet dwellers grouped under the WallStreetbets subreddit, had been fairly quiet regarding its role in the Gamestop saga. That was until this Sunday when Reddit seized the chance to make its mark on Super Bowl Sunday as most companies opted to lower their marketing expenses for the event, or just outright pass on it.

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The ad spot booked by Reddit, which is only 7 seconds long, opens up to what seems to be just another random commercial for a brand new SUV. However, the ad then cuts to a still image styled just like a Reddit post that captures the site’s ability to build thriving communities on just about every topic imaginable on earth. In the company’s own words, “powerful things happen when people rally around something they really care about,” and there’s hardly a better place for that than Reddit.

Reddit claims to have spent their entire marketing budget for the year on the very brief ad since they couldn’t afford a full spot on TV’s most expensive time slot. Though there’s no saying if that’s true or not, the post does it for the right reasons, claiming the GameStop saga is further proof that underdogs can indeed achieve anything for an overall message that’s very appropriate for Super Bowl in almost every aspect, just the Reddit way.

All things considered, it’s hard to imagine Reddit putting their hopes on people actually catching this 5-second post while waiting for the Super Bowl half-time show. Instead, the ad will be popularized by internet buzz. It is, however, incredibly well-timed considering the debate sparked by the GameStop story has famed author Ben Mezrich writing a book on it, the same way he did for Facebook.

Reddit has grown tenfold since the GameStop stock saga took over the worldwide conversation and it’s fair to say the community won in the eyes of the public. As far as football goes, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers beat the Kansas City Chiefs 31 to 9, so Madden 21 got it wrong.

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Source: @reddit|Twitter

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