Forspoken (Project Athia) – Who is Frey Talking To? | Game Rant

March’s Square Enix Presents was full of exciting news, and it ended on a high note by revealing the true name of Project Athia. Now called Forspoken, players also got to meet its main character again, a young woman named Frey Holland. Although there wasn’t much more information shown than this, Square Enix did show a snippet of a story cutscene in which Frey hides from some kind of dragon. While the existence of dragons in this world is certainly something worth pondering, even more puzzling was the presence of a second voice in the scene. It seems as though Frey is holding a conversation with someone, but they can’t be seen.

Forspoken isn’t slated to release until 2022, so fans still have a while to wait before getting the full picture. Hopefully Square Enix will continue to reveal more information about the upcoming adventure over time, as there are still a lot of unanswered questions. Despite now knowing her name, fans still know next to nothing about who Frey is, why the world she lives in is so hostile, or how she has these magic powers. Perhaps more pressing, who was this strange voice that Frey was talking to, and where was it coming from? it should be said that this is all speculation, as nothing has been confirmed by Square Enix just yet.

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Although most of the imagery shown so far has Frey in a cloak flying around at high speeds, the story cutscene shown in this most recent trailer instead has her in what seems to be regular, modern clothing. The one thing that stands out here is he unique, golden bracer. It looks as though it represents vines wrapping around her arm, and other gameplay scenes have shown that she is able to control vines and nature in some way. One possible theory is that this armband is the source of her power, but it is also a sentient item.

Sentient magic items appear in various sorts of media, but they are usually very powerful by nature. Aside from this, they are set apart from other magic items thanks to their ability to communicate telepathically with the wearer or wielder. If that’s what is happening here, then it would make sense that the arm band would try and help Frey escape and want her to survive. Of course, there’s any number of ways Forspoken could explain why this item can talk, whether it was created that way or an actual person is trapped inside.

If the voice isn’t coming from the bracer, then it must be inside her head. From what fans can see, there’s no one else in the building with her while she hides from the dragon, and it seems unlikely that there’s someone hiding just out of frame since she doesn’t look over when she talks at all. It also doesn’t look like she has any kind of ear piece or method to communicate through technology, so the only other option would be that this voice is in her head. This too could take a number of forms, though.

One possibility is that whoever she’s talking with is telepathic. It’s already been established that there is magic in the world of Athia, so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to assume that Frey has someone helping her from the outside in this way. The voice does seem to know that the dragon is gone before she lifts the bracer over the pillar, but on the other hand it does say “we” instead of “you.” Alternatively, it could be some form of Split Personality Disorder, but that seems highly unlikely in the context and given what is known so far.

Forspoken releases in 2022 for PC and PS5.

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