Why Life is Strange: True Colors’ Break From Episodes Is Good

The new LiS title, Life is Strange: True Colors, was announced today at Square Enix Presents Spring 2021. This announcement confirmed the rumors that circulated not too long ago concerning the main character and their upcoming powers. The phrase “true colors” in the title refers to the new empathetic powers that the main character, Alex Chen, will wield. She can see auras for how someone is feeling, even taking on that emotion if it’s strong enough. It will be extremely exciting to see how these new powers factor into the new game and setting.

Life is Strange: True Colors already seems to have all the makings of a regular Life is Strange title. It references other games in the franchise, has supernatural abilities, and the plot revolves around a tragedy — all very formulaic qualities for Life is Strange games. However, it will be deviating from the established formula in one unique way. Life is Strange: True Colors will not be presented in an episodic format like the other games. Instead, the upcoming game will be available to play all at once, which is a welcome change of pace.

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With the entirety of Life is Strange: True Colors being available upon release, players can finally have a full playthrough without having to wait months for the full game to be available. Players who love to play through the whole game in one sitting (or not many sittings) will finally be able to do that with Life is Strange: True Colors. While it was always exciting to get news about when the next episode would drop, having the entire game up front is much easier and more exciting.

Previous Life is Strange games have been told in about 2 to 3 hour-long episodes since the series release. While it was easy for players to immerse themselves during the moment, the long wait time between episodes could take its toll on player’s memories. Each Life is Strange game tells a unique story worth remembering, but it was hard to remember with such long waits. Small details would get forgotten, even with the recaps before the new installment.

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Straying from the episodic fashion will make sure that the plot is remembered more easily. Small details that escaped players’ minds will now be front and center because there’s no long wait to continue the story. This could potentially make it easier when trying to solve the mystery of Alex’s brother’s death.

Life is Strange is known for its characters as well as its memorable story. However, some of the connection to characters could be lost in the wait time for a new episode. Connecting to the main character is important, but that relationship wasn’t the one that would fade with passing time. Instead, lesser connections were lost or forgotten, which could have a big impact on the story if players chose incorrectly. A non-episodic approach to the story will make sure that players can maintain their connections to all characters.

While the episodic aspect of Life is Strange may be gone in the upcoming game, it’s still divided up. Instead of episodes, players will work through chapters that allow them breathing room between each part of the story if necessary. Knowing how emotional Life is Strange can be, chapters were a good mechanic to implement in place of episodes. It will still allow players time to process, but not so long that they start to forget what’s happened. Episodes were a good choice at the time, but players are definitely looking forward to the non-episodic story of Life is Strange: True Colors.

Life is Strange: True Colors will release on September 10 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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