In Immortals Fenyx Rising, players take on the character of Fenyx, who can be designed however players want. Immortals Fenyx Rising was well received by fans and critics, all complimented by a serious DLC lineup. The first DLC, titled A New God, debuted in January with mixed feedback from critics and fans. The second DLC, Myths of the Eastern Realm, has players take control of a brand new hero and explore Chinese mythology.
A New God may not have hit all the notes the developer wanted it to, but it seems Myths of the Eastern Realm may make up for the previous DLC’s faults. Keeping in line with the game’s signature style, Myths of the Eastern Realm aims to have both new exploration and new puzzles to solve. It also diverges from A New God in a few key ways. In an interview with Game Rant, Ubisoft discussed the newest DLC and what players can expect from it.

Myths of the Eastern Realm doesn’t have players take on the role of Fenyx. Instead, they play as a new character named Ku. According to the developer, the goal of the newest Immortals Fenyx Rising DLC was to provide an extension of the main game that players enjoyed but with a new setting and storyline. The new DLC hopes to capture what players loved about Immortals Fenyx Rising but spin it in a new light revolving around Chinese mythology instead of the Greek myth that influenced the base game.
Our goal was to extend the Immortals Fenyx Rising universe and explore a new mythology, while serving our players a fresh and captivating adventure that gathered all the gameplay ingredients they loved in the base game.
Players can expect 7 to 12 hours of new story and explanation within the Immortals Fenyx Rising world, thanks to Myths of the Eastern Realm. There are also be new puzzles within the DLC, some of which will be found in the open world or the Sky Palace dungeons. One new puzzle is called a “Musical Challenge,” which the developer says will test players’ accuracy and dexterity by having them ring Chinese bells in a unique order.

Being a DLC, Myths of the Eastern Realm is not only bound to be different from the original game, but also different from previous DLC. Rather than changing key dynamics within the game, the developer mentioned tweaking the combat, exploration, and puzzles to match a Chinese mythology framework.
For example, when tackling combat, we tweaked the timing and animation of our hero’s attacks to better match Wushu style, reworked the Godly Powers with a Chinese myth framing, and introduced the God Seal system to give players already familiar with the main game an additional parameter to consider combat.
Myths of the Eastern Realm also attempts to correct one of the biggest criticisms of A New God — unlike the last DLC, players will be able to return to the Gold Isle with the weapons, armor, and companion skins they earn when playing the new DLC. The only catch is that they won’t be able to take Ku or their perks back to the Isle. This is a massive improvement from A New God and will hopefully remain in the third and final DLC, The Lost Gods. Though nothing has been announced regarding the final DLC, players still have a lot of playtime and exploration to look forward to with Myths of the Eastern Realm.
Immortals Fenyx Rising – Myths of the Eastern Realm is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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