Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water | Replay

Mount Hikami isn’t ready for the Replay crew. Today, the Game Informer team dons costumes in Halloween fervor as they explore the terrifying secrets of. Will this Replay turn into a full-fledged Super Replay? Anything is possible, so come join us and let us know if you want to see the entire game’s playthrough as we go live on Twitch at 2 PM CST.

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The Fatal Frame games task players with battling ghosts by taking photos, meaning you need to zoom in and get close to the ghouls and ghasts, facing down your fears. Can the Game Informer crew master the abilities of the Camera Obscura and survive?

There’s only one way to find out, so join us as the action happens. One of the earlier Fatal Frame games, Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly, is a horror classic. Will Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water live up to the franchise’s legacy? Well, probably not, as the game originally launched on the Wii U ages and ages ago to rather divisive reception, but this remaster might make for some harrowing Halloween festivities all the same.


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